Usare apt-cacher per creare una cache dei pacchetti usabile in una LAN: differenze tra le versioni

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Apt-cacher è un programma che ha lo scopo di creare una cache di pacchetti deb su un server, per poi renderli disponibili a tutte le macchine presenti sulla LAN. In questo modo è possibile limitare la banda utlizzata in uscita e velocizzare i tempi di installazione.
| colspan="2" align="center" | A partire da
A differenza di apt-proxy (, apt-cacher ha una struttura completamente piatta, per cui i pacchetti dela cache sono conservati in una unica directory anche se provengono da repository diversi; questa soluzione ne rende l'utilizzo più semplice e immediato.
| Debian  
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Per installare apt-cache è sufficiente digitare sul server che dovrà contenere la cache
| Kernel
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# apt-get install apt-cacher
| Modulo
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Per configurare apt-cacher è necessario:
1) modificare il file
ponendo ad 1 il valore di AUTOSTART. In questo modo apt-cacher si avvierà automaticamente ad ogni sessione. Nel caso vogliate avviare/fermare apt-cacher manualmente basterà usare il comando
# /etc/init.d/apt-cacher {start|stop|restart|force-reload}
2) modificare il file
che contiene tutte le opzioni configurabili.
Riportiamo il file di configurazione originale per completezza
# This is the config file for apt-cacher. On most Debian systems
# you can safely leave the defaults alone.
# cache_dir is used to set the location of the local cache. This can
# become quite large, so make sure it is somewhere with plenty of space.
# The email address of the administrator is displayed in the info page
# and traffic reports.
# For the daemon startup settings please edit the file /etc/default/apt-cacher.
# Daemon port setting, only useful in stand-alone mode. You need to run the
# daemon as root to use privileged ports (<1024).
# optional settings, user and group to run the daemon as. Make sure they have
# sufficient permissions on the cache and log directories. Comment the settings
# to run apt-cacher as the native user.
# optional setting, binds the listening daemon to one specified IP. Use IP
# ranges for more advanced configuration, see below.
# daemon_addr=localhost
# If your apt-cacher machine is directly exposed to the Internet and you are
# worried about unauthorised machines fetching packages through it, you can
# specify a list of IPv4 addresses which are allowed to use it and another
# list of IPv4 addresses which aren't.
# Localhost ( is always allowed. Other addresses must be matched
# by allowed_hosts and not by denied_hosts to be permitted to use the cache.
# Setting allowed_hosts to "*" means "allow all".
# Otherwise the format is a comma-separated list containing addresses,
# optionally with masks (like, or ranges of addresses (two
# addresses separated by a hyphen, no masks, like '').
# And similiarly for IPv6 with allowed_hosts_6 and denied_hosts_6.
# Note that IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses (::ffff:w.x.y.z) are truncated to
# w.x.y.z and are handled as IPv4.
# This thing can be done by Apache but is much simplier here - limit access to
# Debian mirrors based on server names in the URLs,,
# Apt-cacher can generate usage reports every 24 hours if you set this
# directive to 1. You can view the reports in a web browser by pointing
# to your cache machine with '/apt-cacher/report' on the end, like this:
# Generating reports is very fast even with many thousands of logfile
# lines, so you can safely turn this on without creating much
# additional system load.
# Apt-cacher can clean up its cache directory every 24 hours if you set
# this directive to 1. Cleaning the cache can take some time to run
# (generally in the order of a few minutes) and removes all package
# files that are not mentioned in any existing 'Packages' lists. This
# has the effect of deleting packages that have been superseded by an
# updated 'Packages' list.
# The directory to use for apt-cacher access and error logs.
# The access log records every request in the format:
# date-time|client ip address|HIT/MISS/EXPIRED|object size|object name
# The error log is slightly more free-form, and is also used for debug
# messages if debug mode is turned on.
# Note that the old 'logfile' and 'errorfile' directives are
# deprecated: if you set them explicitly they will be honoured, but it's
# better to just get rid of them from old config files.
# apt-cacher can use different methods to decide whether package lists need to
# be updated,
# A) looking at the age of the cached files
# B) getting HTTP header from server and comparing that with cached data. This
# method is more reliable and avoids desynchronisation of data and index files
# but needs to transfer few bytes from the server every time somebody requests
# the files ("apt-get update")
# Set the following value to the maximum age (in hours) for method A or to 0
# for method B
# Apt-cacher can pass all its requests to an external http proxy like
# Squid, which could be very useful if you are using an ISP that blocks
# port 80 and requires all web traffic to go through its proxy. The
# format is 'hostname:port', eg: ''.
# Use of an external proxy can be turned on or off with this flag.
# Value should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on).
# External http proxy sometimes need authentication to get full access. The
# format is 'username:password'.
# Use of external proxy authentication can be turned on or off with this flag.
# Value should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on).
# Rate limiting sets the maximum bandwidth in bytes per second to use
# for fetching packages. Syntax is fully defined in 'man wget'.
# Use 'k' or 'm' to use kilobits or megabits / second: eg, 'limit=25k'.
# Use 0 or a negative value for no rate limiting.
# Debug mode makes apt-cacher spew a lot of extra debug junk to the
# error log (whose location is defined with the 'logdir' directive).
# Leave this off unless you need it, or your error log will get very
# big. Acceptable values are 0 or 1.
# Adapt the line in the usage info web page to match your server configuration
# example_sources_line=deb&nbsp;http://<b>my.cacher.server:3142/</b>;unstable&nbsp;main&nbsp;contrib&nbsp;non-free
# Print a 410 (Gone) HTTP message with the specified text when accessed via
# CGI. Useful to tell users to adapt their sources.list files when the
# apt-cacher server is beeing relocated (via apt-get's error messages while
# running "update")
#cgi_advise_to_use = Please use http://cacheserver:3142/ as apt-cacher access URL
#cgi_advise_to_use = Server relocated. To change sources.list, run perl -pe "s,/apt-cacher\??,:3142," -i /etc/apt/sources.list
# Server mapping - this allows to hide real server names behind virtual paths
# that appear in the access URL. This method is known from apt-proxy. This is
# also the only method to use FTP access to the target hosts. The syntax is simple, the part of the beginning to replace, followed by a list
#of mirror urls, all space separated. Multiple profile are separated by semicolons
# path_map = debian ; ubuntu ;
# Note that you need to specify all target servers in the allowed_locations
# options if you make use of it. Also note that the paths should not overlap
# each other. FTP access method not supported yet, maybe in the future.
Le opzioni più importanti sono:
# <code>cache_dir</code> che determina la directory in cui verrà salvata la cache
# <code>allowed_hosts</code> che specifica uno o più indirizzi a cui limitare l'accesso alla cache
# <code>daemon_port</code> che specifica la porta sulla quale ascolta apt-cacher
Non è necessario installare apt-cacher sui client. Per accedere alla cache dovrete solo modificare il file
inserendo una riga da del tipo
deb http://server_con_cache:porta/repository_da_utilizzare/debian [flavour] [sezioni]
Chiariamo il concetto con un esempio. <br>
Supponiamo che il server abbia hostname computer e apt-cacher ascolti sulla porta 3142 (quella di default). Supponiamo poi che il repository utilizzato sia
deb unstable main contrib non-free
La nuova riga da inserire per utilizzare la cache sarà
deb http://computer:3142/ unstable main contriib non-free
Basterà poi salvare e lanciare un
# apt-get update
per cominciare ad utilizzare la cache.
Importante notare che tutte le righe dovranno presentare la dicitura deb http e non deb ftp.
==Importare Pacchetti==
A questo punto siamo pronti per usare apt-cacher. Se però si hanno già a disposizione tanti pacchetti installati sul server e presenti nella directory
potreste volerli importare nella cache. Niente di più semplice :)
Copiate tutti i pacchetti nella directory
e poi lanciate il comando
# /usr/share/apt-cacher/
che mette a disposizione tutti i pacchetti importati nella cache.
Non resta che augurare happy caching!
Autore: giorsat <br>
Esteso da: [[Utente:Sal|Sal]]
1 760


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