Old:UpHosts: differenze tra le versioni

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update script and text
(update script #2)
(update script and text)
Riga 9: Riga 9:
(ringrazio tutti i rispettivi autori) e nonostante abbia cercato di testarlo al meglio, non posso offrire alcuna garanzia :-) }}
(ringrazio tutti i rispettivi autori) e nonostante abbia cercato di testarlo al meglio, non posso offrire alcuna garanzia :-) }}

[[Utente:Paolo321|Paolo321]] 21:28, 9 set 2010 (CEST)
[[Utente:Paolo321|Paolo321]] , 31 dicembre 2010

Spero che lo script sia sufficientemente chiaro e si "spieghi da solo", comunque lo script esegue:
Spero che lo script sia sufficientemente chiaro e si "spieghi da solo", comunque lo script esegue:
*Controllo presenza software richiesti
*Controllo privilegi di root e presenza software richiesti
*Controllo di quanto tempo è passato dall'ultima esecuzione (per evitare download troppo frequenti, vedi esempio sotto)
*Backup dell'hosts file presistente (se non già effettuato)
*Backup dell'hosts file presistente (se non già effettuato)
*Download delle liste
*Download delle liste
Riga 28: Riga 29:
**Eventuali modifiche permanenti al file hosts andranno quindi effettuate non in /etc/hosts ma nel file hosts di backup
**Eventuali modifiche permanenti al file hosts andranno quindi effettuate non in /etc/hosts ma nel file hosts di backup
*Report numero hosts bloccati e uscita dello script
*Report numero hosts bloccati e uscita dello script
*Come default lo script cerca blacklist e whitelist locali nella sua directory, quindi si può ad esempio collocare il tutto in /opt/uphosts. Ovviamente si può cambiare i path nello script e usarne altri.
*Uno script di questo tipo è comodo sia eseguito "unattended"; iIl wrapper zzz-uphosts-run esegue uphosts e reindirizza l'output nei log di sistema. Può ad esempio essere eseguito da /etc/network/if-up.d, oppure tramite cron (ma in questo secondo caso c'è da aggiungere un controllo sulla presenza di connessione internet). Lo script all'avvio controlla comunque quanto tempo è passato dall'ultima esecuzione (per evitare che ad esempio dieci connessioni-disconnessioni al giorno portino a dieci download delle liste)

Come default lo script cerca le due whitelist locali nella sua directory, quindi si può ad esempio collocare il tutto in /opt/uphosts.

Ovviamente si può cambiare i path nello script e usarne altri.

# uphosts - Hosts file updater
# uphosts - Hosts File Updater

Riga 51: Riga 55:
# http://hostsfile.mine.nu/downloads/updatehosts.sh.txt
# http://hostsfile.mine.nu/downloads/updatehosts.sh.txt

# 20101107 Paolo
# 20101216 Paolo

#  VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------

HOSTSPATH="/tmp/hosts-`date +%s`" # Temp directory
HOSTSPATH="/tmp/hosts-`date +%s`" # Temp directory
Riga 68: Riga 70:
PROXYPASS="" #PROXYPASS="--proxy-password='password"
PROXYPASS="" #PROXYPASS="--proxy-password='password"

# STARTING ------------------------------------------------------------
DAYS="2" # Update frequency

echo ""
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "- uphosts - Hosts File Updater -"
echo "--------------------------------"
echo ""

echo "Checking for required applications ..."; ABORT=0
# Checks for root privileges
builtin type -P wget    &>/dev/null || { echo "wget is missing."; ABORT=1; }
if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ] ; then
builtin type -P unzip    &>/dev/null || { echo "unzip is missing."; ABORT=1; }
echo "You need to be root to execute uphosts. Exiting!"
builtin type -P fromdos  &>/dev/null || { echo "fromdos(tofrodos) is missing."; ABORT=1; }
exit 1
builtin type -P grep    &>/dev/null || { echo "grep is missing."; ABORT=1; }
# Checks required packages
builtin type -P wget    &>/dev/null || { echo -n "wget is missing."; ABORT=1; }
builtin type -P unzip    &>/dev/null || { echo -n "unzip is missing."; ABORT=1; }
builtin type -P fromdos  &>/dev/null || { echo -n "fromdos(tofrodos) is missing."; ABORT=1; }
builtin type -P grep    &>/dev/null || { echo -n "grep is missing."; ABORT=1; }

if [ $ABORT != 0 ] ; then
if [ $ABORT != 0 ] ; then
echo "Exiting!"
echo " Exiting!"
exit 1
exit 2

echo "OK"
# Limits updates if uphosts is run often (i.e. at every if-up)
# If there is no original hosts file this is the first run on a fresh system, and update runs anyway
if [ -f "$ORIGFILE" ] && [ `find $HOSTSFILE -mtime -$DAYS` ] ; then
echo "$HOSTSFILE is less than $DAYS days old. Exiting!"
exit 3

# If there is no original hosts file this is the first run on a fresh system
# (as above, but now original hosts file is saved)
if [ ! -f "$ORIGFILE" ] ; then
if [ ! -f "$ORIGFILE" ] ; then
echo "Backing up your previous hosts file ..."
echo "Backing up your previous hosts file ..."
echo "OK"
#echo "OK"


# DOWNLOADING ---------------------------------------------------------
# Every list has some specific tweaks :-)
#  ... Every list has some specific tweaks :-)
# If there are any errors, the script exits. Merging lists partially could be unsafe

#### hphosts list
#### hphosts list
Riga 106: Riga 120:
HFILE1INT="HOSTS.txt" # Needed to specify which file from zip
HFILE1INT="HOSTS.txt" # Needed to specify which file from zip
# Downloading
# Downloading
echo "Retrieving $HFNAME1 from $HFSERVER1 ..."
echo -n "Retrieving $HFNAME1 from $HFSERVER1 ..."
wget -q -O $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME1 $HFSERVER1/$HFILE1 $PROXYUSER $PROXYPASS || { echo " ERROR! Exiting!"; exit 11; }
unzip -p $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME1 $HFILE1INT | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1
unzip -p $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME1 $HFILE1INT | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1
echo "OK"
echo " OK"

#### hphosts-partial list
#### hphosts-partial list
Riga 116: Riga 130:
# Downloading
# Downloading
echo "Retrieving $HFNAME2 from $HFSERVER2 ..."
echo -n "Retrieving $HFNAME2 from $HFSERVER2 ..."
wget -q -O $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME2 $HFSERVER2/$HFILE2 $PROXYUSER $PROXYPASS || { echo " ERROR! Exiting!"; exit 12; }
cat $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME2 | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2
cat $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME2 | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2
echo "OK"
echo " OK"

#### MVPs list
#### MVPs list
Riga 127: Riga 141:
HFILE3INT="HOSTS" # Needed to specify which file from zip
HFILE3INT="HOSTS" # Needed to specify which file from zip
# Downloading
# Downloading
echo "Retrieving $HFNAME3 from $HFSERVER3 ..."
echo -n "Retrieving $HFNAME3 from $HFSERVER3 ..."
wget -q -O $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME3 $HFSERVER3/$HFILE3 $PROXYUSER $PROXYPASS || { echo " ERROR! Exiting!"; exit 13; }
unzip -p $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME3 $HFILE3INT | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d'  -e 's/' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3
unzip -p $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME3 $HFILE3INT | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d'  -e 's/' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3
echo "OK"
echo " OK"

#### hostsfile.mine.nu, format
#### hostsfile.mine.nu, format
Riga 137: Riga 151:
## Downloading
## Downloading
#echo "Retrieving $HFNAME4 from $HFSERVER4 ..."
#echo -n "Retrieving $HFNAME4 from $HFSERVER4 ..."
#wget -q -O $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME4 $HFSERVER4/$HFILE4 $PROXYUSER $PROXYPASS || { echo " ERROR! Exiting!"; exit 14; }
#unzip -p $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME4 | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME4
#unzip -p $HOSTSPATH/$HFNAME4 | fromdos | grep -v localhost | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' > $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME4
#echo "OK"
#echo " OK"

# PROCESSING ----------------------------------------------------------

echo "Processing local blacklist $BLACKLIST ..."
echo -n "Processing local blacklist $BLACKLIST ..."
if [ -f "$BLACKLIST" ] ; then
if [ -f "$BLACKLIST" ] ; then
cat $BLACKLIST | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/^/ /g' > $HOSTSPATH/blacklist.ready
cat $BLACKLIST | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/^/ /g' > $HOSTSPATH/blacklist.ready
echo "OK"
echo " OK"
echo "Merging lists ..."
echo -n "Merging lists ..."
#cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME4 $HOSTSPATH/blacklist.ready | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
#cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME4 $HOSTSPATH/blacklist.ready | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 $HOSTSPATH/blacklist.ready | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 $HOSTSPATH/blacklist.ready | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
echo "OK"
echo " OK"
echo "NOT FOUND"
echo " NOT FOUND"
echo "Merging lists ..."
echo -n "Merging lists ..."
#cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME4 | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
#cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME4 | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME1 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts-$HFNAME3 | sort | uniq > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
echo "OK"
echo " OK"

echo "Processing whitelist $WHITELIST ..."
echo -n "Processing whitelist $WHITELIST ..."
if [ -f "$WHITELIST" ] ; then
if [ -f "$WHITELIST" ] ; then
cat $WHITELIST | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' > $HOSTSPATH/whitelist.ready
cat $WHITELIST | sed -e '/#.*/ d' -e '/^$/ d' > $HOSTSPATH/whitelist.ready
grep -Fvf $HOSTSPATH/whitelist.ready $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all.2
grep -Fvf $HOSTSPATH/whitelist.ready $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all > $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all.2
mv $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all.2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
mv $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all.2 $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all
echo "OK"
echo " OK"
echo "NOT FOUND"
echo " NOT FOUND"

echo "Writing hosts file $HOSTSFILE ..."

echo -n "Writing hosts file $HOSTSFILE ..."
echo "OK"
echo " OK"

HOSTCOUNT=`cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all | wc -l`
HOSTCOUNT=`cat $HOSTSPATH/hosts.all | wc -l`
Riga 181: Riga 196:

cat >> $HOSTSFILE << EOF
cat >> $HOSTSFILE << EOF
# `date`
# `date`
# $HOSTCOUNT hosts blocked by uphosts
# $HOSTCOUNT hosts blocked by uphosts
# Original file: $ORIGFILE
# Original file: $ORIGFILE
# Permanent changes can be done there...
# Permanent changes can be done there, it is imported at every run
# It is imported (see above) at every run

Riga 198: Riga 212:
#rm -fv $HOSTSPATH/hosts*
#rm -fv $HOSTSPATH/hosts*
echo "Update process complete - $HOSTCOUNT hosts blocked!"
echo "Update process complete - $HOSTCOUNT hosts blocked!"
# uphosts - Hosts File Updater
# zzz-uphosts-run
# wrapper for running uphosts logging output
# for example, from /etc/network/if-up.d
# In that case, this script is run by run-parts
# Check run-parts naming conventions: "must consist entirely of upper and lower case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens"
# ie do not name this script foo.sh !!!
# 20101230 Paolo
LOGGERPARAMS="-t uphosts"



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